
The company participated in the national stainless steel market review meeting

  • Category:Company News
  • Author:XJJX
  • From:en.xiongjinjixie.com
  • Time:2011-06-21 23:22:58
  • Hits:

【概要描述】On January 8, 2009, the company s deputy general manager and his entourage of three people participated in the meeting of "2009 customer new year friendship and national stainless steel market review " held by lihuada

The company participated in the national stainless steel market review meeting

【概要描述】On January 8, 2009, the company s deputy general manager and his entourage of three people participated in the meeting of "2009 customer new year friendship and national stainless steel market review " held by lihuada

  • Category:Company News
  • Author:XJJX
  • From:en.xiongjinjixie.com
  • Time:2011-06-21 23:22:58
  • Hits:

On January 8, 2009, the company's deputy general manager and his entourage of three people participated in the meeting of "2009 customer new year friendship and national stainless steel market review" held by lihuada and lishengda steel processing Co., Ltd. in Fengdan Egret Hotel, Taoyuan, Nanhai, Foshan. The theme of the meeting was "holding a group to get warm and deal with the crisis".



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